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Intralesional Kenalog Injections

Legacy Dermatology  |  Other Dermatology Services

Corticosteroid Injections for Keloid Scars & more

Intralesional Kenalog injections are a treatment option for a variety of skin conditions, including keloids, alopecia areata, and hypertrophic scars. Kenalog is a type of corticosteroid that is injected directly into the affected area to reduce inflammation and improve the appearance of the skin.

The procedure is typically performed by a trained and licensed medical professional, such as a dermatologist or a plastic surgeon. A small amount of Kenalog is injected into the affected area using a fine needle. The treatment takes only a few minutes to complete and is generally well-tolerated, with most people experiencing only minor discomfort.

After the procedure, the treatment area may be red and swollen, and may be slightly tender to the touch. These side effects typically resolve within a few days to a week. Most people see improvement in the treated area within a few weeks to a few months.

Intralesional Kenalog injections are a safe and effective treatment option for a variety of skin conditions. Schedule an appointment with our trained and licensed dermatologist to determine if Kenalog injections are right for you.

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