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Legacy Dermatology  |  Cosmetic Dermatology Services

Sculpt & Tighten the Appearance of Your Body with BodyTite

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We all strive to look and feel our best. While diet and exercise are essential for maintaining fitness, sometimes they may not be sufficient. But now, you have the answer: BodyTite and Liposuction.

With BodyTite and Liposuction from Legacy Dermatology, you can reduce fat without worrying about sagging or wrinkly skin. Patients can achieve surgical-like results with minimal scarring, less downtime, and long-lasting, beautiful results.

What are BodyTite and Liposuction?

BodyTite and Liposuction offer exceptional solutions for individuals seeking to reduce fat and improve skin laxity. Whether it's post-weight loss or age-related skin concerns, these procedures shape, contract, and lift without the need for extensive incisions or scars. Utilizing RFAL (Radio-Frequency Assisted Lipolysis) technology, they address the limitations of traditional liposuction and surgical body lifts.

What Areas Can Be Treated?

The possibilities are vast: from the abdomen to the arms, chest, knees, and inner/outer thighs, virtually any area can be targeted for treatment. Multiple areas can be addressed in a single session.

How Quickly Will I See Results?

Results are often noticeable immediately, with optimal outcomes becoming more apparent after 6 months and continuing to improve up to 12 months post-procedure.

What is the Downtime?

Downtime varies depending on the treatment area, ranging from 1-2 days for smaller areas to up to 10 days for larger treatment zones.

BodyTite and Liposuction Effects:

These procedures gently treat stubborn fat while simultaneously tightening the skin, allowing you to sculpt your body into its ultimate shape. Say goodbye to unwanted bulges and hello to a more confident you. Schedule your BodyTite appointment at Legacy Dermatology today!

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